Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Presentation of the Clients; ROBOWOMAN VS. TECHNOMAN


- (tool) by Chris
- intelligent
- innovative
- evangelic badboy (http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/Jobs.html accessed 07.05.08)

Mr. Job's Needs

- 100 PCs
- good air ciculation
- not necessarily open rooms or natural light
- fridge, desks, oven for heating frozen (vegetarian )pizzas
- lots of power-points
- simplistic, minimilist furniture
- a tap next to the computer-space
- a toilet-chair


- fashionable
- intimidating
- popular
- influential
- masculine
- feminine
- (hence)androgynous

Miss. Versace's Needs

- collagen
- cat-walk
- natural light
- closets
- solarium/ terrace
- vodka-cooler
- champagne fountain
- a room for her models

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